Friday, December 19, 2014

Project Proposal

  1. What social issue do you plan to build an advertising campaign around?  Military and Freedom
  2. What is your personal reason for choosing this issue? I'm doing this because I have family in the military and they risk their lives for us everyday and many people don't remember that. 
  3. Why should people be concerned about the issue? People should be concerned because they give us many of the freedoms that we have today. 
  4. How can you motivate people to care about this cause? Try to persuade them with something that draws their attention. 
  5. Research nonprofit organizations that are associated with the cause. There are many nonprofit organizations set up to help the military. About 7 or 8% return home from combat with PTSD. They risk their life for us.

Social Issue Advertising

This depicts the problem with drunk driving. This is an important issue to me because I have known people who have suffered from the consequences of drunk driving. I also really like that the picture just a car accident or someone drinking. It catches your eye to something more important. 

I like this picture because again its not just a really skinny girl with an eating disorder, but from the looks a perfectly fine girl, which is how it all starts. 
I like this photo because it is a really unique way to depict the dangers of distracted driving.I like that there isnt a person in a car being distracted. It shows while you are on the phone with someone while they are driving it could cost them their life.

Social Issue Ideas

Justice system and minorities 
Media Spin
addicted to technology
body image
bullying/ cyberbullying
use of words
gun control
military freedoms
gay rights
fitting in
stress of school
animal cruelty
Drunk driving
animal testing
health issues
school lunches
child abuse
abusive relationships
Drugs and alcohol
distractions while driving
animal treatment in zoos
mental health
teen depression
islam phobia
eating disorders
Gender identity

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Photojournalism_ Tribute Paid by Marturano's Barbershop

Tribute Paid by Marturano's Barbershop

After the recent death of Albert Fanelli, Mike Marturano opens his barber shop in it's new location. 
Marturano’s Barbershop is an old style Philly barber shop. It is the place to go to get a quick cut and shave, or as Mike calls it “getting a freshie”. It is located at 812 Concord Ave in Drexel Hill. Most people know it as the old Fanelli Barbershop. Mike Marturano recently bought the shop from Albert Fanelli, who had the shop for nearly 50 years. Once he got sick and could no longer work, Fanelli’s family sold it to Mike, a longtime customer and resident of Drexel Hill area. About 30 years ago, Mike got his first hair cut from Albert Fanelli. Once he bought the barbershop the first hair cut he ever gave in the building was to a sick Mr. Albert Fanelli.
                Since Mike bought the barbershop a few months ago, Albert Fanelli had passed away at the age of 84.Mike continues to pay tribute to him by having huge canvas photographs of him getting his first haircut and also Albert Fanelli getting the first hair cut in Marturano’s Barbershop. When asked what the best part of the job is Mike said, “Doing what I love, and meeting a lot of great people”.
                Some might wonder why Mike didn’t get rid of the old beaten down chairs or fix up the inside of the shop. His answer for that was, “Everything in this place makes it what it is. Al Fanelli was a great man and it keeps his barbershop alive”. Mike plans to keep many things the same while adding his own touches. He has recently added a TV for entertainment and two chairs from the old Spectrum. He has seats one and two from the old Flyers stadium that were saved before the building was torn down. This is a symbol of Philly's sports and the new touches Mike put in. In the future, he plans to keep the shop running just as it is for many years, just like Mr. Fanelli did. 

Leaving the barbershop virtually untouched is a nice tribute to the previous owner, who had the shop for nearly 50 years. 
Marturano's barbershop is a great traditional place to get a cut or shave. 
During a slow period on a Saturday afternoon, Albert Fanelli III decides whether or not to get a hair cut while Butch the barber, Mike's assistant, watches college football.   
Located in a neighborhood in the small town of Drexel Hill, Marturano's Barbershop is the place to go when you need a good cut. 
Mike Marturano receives his first haircut from Albert Fanelli nearly 30 years ago. The roles then reverse and Albert gets the very first haircut from Mike in his new shop.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Photojournalism shooting

I liked going to the old barbershop where I use to watch my grandfather work. It was different to be there without him but i really liked going. The new owner kept a lot of the barbershop the same so it was really nice to see what he has done and take pictures of it.